The Odonata of Sulawesi and adjacent islands. Part 7. Libellago and Sclerocypha (Chlorocyphidae)

The Odonata of Sulawesi and adjacent islands. Part 7. Libellago and Sclerocypha (Chlorocyphidae) 00

Jan van Tola

  1. National Museum of Natural History, Leiden, The Netherlands

International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 209-248, 2007

Published: 1 October 2007 (Received: 1 May 2007, Accepted: 14 August 2007)

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The Sulawesi species of the genera Libellago and Sclerocypha are revised. L. asclepiades, L. rufescens, L. xanthocyana and S. bisignata are redescribed, and three species of Libellago– one with four subspecies – are described as new to science, viz. the closely allied L. daviesi sp. nov. from the northern arm of Sulawesi and L. man-ganitu sp. nov. from Sangihe Island, north of Sulawesi, and a complex of four mainly parapatric subspecies allied to L. rufescens, viz., L. celebensis sp. nov. from W part of Central Sulawesi, and nominotypical subspecies, L. celebensis anoa ssp. nov. from NE part of South Sulawesi, L. celebensis dorsonigra ssp. nov. from NE part of South Sulawesi, and L. celebensis orientalis ssp. nov. from extreme E part of South Sulawesi, E part of Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi. The status of the genus Sclerocypha is discussed. A key to the species of Chlorocyphidae (except Rhinocypha) known from Sulawesi, is provided.

Keywords: Odonata, dragonfly, Chlorocyphidae, Libellago, Sclerocypha, new species, new subspecies, key, Sulawesi, biogeography

Issue section: Article