Underwater oviposition behavior in two species of Euphaea in Borneo and Hong Kong (Odonata: Euphaeidae)

Underwater oviposition behavior in two species of Euphaea in Borneo and Hong Kong (Odonata: Euphaeidae) 00

Graham T. Reelsa, Rory Dowb

  1. Yuen Long, Hong Kong
  2. Coulsdon, UK

International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 197-204, 2006


Published: 1 October 2006 (Received: 20 March 2006, Accepted: 22 July 2006)

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Submerged oviposition behaviour by female Euphaea decorata and E. subcostalis is reported. E. decorata descended to within 10 cm of the stream bottom and oviposited endophytically for a total of 59 min. An E. subcostalis female descended 3 cm to dead leaves at the stream bottom and stayed submerged for 20-25 s. Non-contact guarding by the male was observed in both cases. Submerged oviposition into substrates near to the stream bottom may be common behaviour for members of the Euphaeidae.

Keywords: Odonata, dragonfly, underwater oviposition, Zygoptera, Euphaeidae, Euphaea, Borneo, Hong Kong

Issue section: Article