Recent Odonata records from southern Florida – effects of global warming?

Recent Odonata records from southern Florida – effects of global warming? 00

Dennis R. Paulsona

  1. Slater Museum of Natural History , University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, USA

International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 4, Issue 1, Pages 57-69, 2001

Published: 1 April 2001 (Received: 27 June 2000, Accepted: 14 November 2000)

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A brief Odonata survey in southern Florida, USA, in January 2000 resulted in the discovery of two new species, Chrysobasis lucifer and Nehalennia minuta, for the USA and established populations of two other species, Tholymis citrina and Tramea calverti, that had been considered vagrants. Flight seasons of six additional species were extended. These records are discussed in light of the predicted effects of global warming.

Keywords: Odonata, dragonfly, Chrysobasis Lucifer, Nehalennia minuta, Distribution, Phenology, global warming, Florida

Issue section: Article