The Orthetrum coerulescens complex in Bulgaria (Odonata: Libellulidae)

The Orthetrum coerulescens complex in Bulgaria (Odonata: Libellulidae) 00

Milen Marinova

  1. Sofia, Bulgaria

International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 4, Issue 1, Pages 35-40, 2001

Published: 1 April 201 (Received: 17 February 1999, Accepted: 20 February 2001)

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Although there are many records of Orthetrum coerulescens in Bulgaria, the presence of the nominotypical subspecies is doubtful. A critical analysis of all specimens available revealed that they belong either to O. c. anceps or to intermediate forms, but not to O. c. coerulescens. The latter taxon is therefore omitted from the Bulgarian species list, bringing the number of recorded species to 66.

Keywords: Odonata, dragonfly, Orthetrum, hybridisation, taxonomy, biogeography, Bulgaria

Issue section: Article