Rare and endangered Odonata of Lebanon – an update with a discussion on the vanishing Levant endemic dragonfly fauna

Rare and endangered Odonata of Lebanon – an update with a discussion on the vanishing Levant endemic dragonfly fauna 00

Dietmar Ikemeyera,b ✉️ Thomas Schneidea,b ✉️

  1. Billerbecker Str. 6, 48329 Havixbeck, Germany
  2. Arnold-Knoblauch-Ring 76, 14109 Berlin-Wannsee, Germany

International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 27, Pages 47-59, 2024


Published: 29 January 2024 (Received: 10 December 2023, Accepted: 26 February 2024)

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The Levant is a hot spot of biodiversity, even for Odonata. Approximately 90 Odonata species were recorded for the Levant and 48 from Lebanon. Lebanon, as a central part of the Levant, was visited in 2022 and 2023 for searching dragonflies. Thirty four species including five of six Levant endemic Odonata: Calopteryx hyalina Martin, 1909, Calopteryx syriaca Rambur, 1842, Coenagrion syriacum (Morton, 1924), Pseudagrion syriacum Selys, 1887, Gomphus davidi Selys, 1887 as well as populations of the recently described Cordulegaster cilicia Schneider et al., 2021 were found. Ceriagrion georgifreyi Schmidt, 1953 was recognized as new for Lebanon and increases the number of Odonata to 49. The dramatic decline of the Levant endemic Odonata caused by habitat loss and destruction is discussed.

Keywords: Biodiversity, biogeography, habitat loss, water pollution, West Palearctic

Issue section: Original Article

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