Odonata of Tuva, Russia

Odonata of Tuva, Russia 00

Oleg E. Kosterina, Valentin V. Zaikab

  1. Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  2. Geoecology Laboratory , Tyvinian Institute of Complex Exploitation of Natural Resources SB RAS, Kyzyl, Russia

International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 13, Issue 2, Pages 277-328, 2010


Published: 1 October 2010 (Received: 10 January 2010, Accepted: 28 August 2010)

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The odonate fauna of Tuva in Siberia, Russia, is documented, based mainly on data from expeditions in 1990, 2000 and 2004, and examination of collections preserved in Novosibirsk. The checklist of Tuvinian Odonata presently includes 47 species. In the southern Ubsu-Nur depression 29 species were recorded (two just there); in the Central Tuvinian depression 34 species (six just there) and in the Todzha depression 32 species (nine just there). The fauna of the more humid taiga region of Todzha, separated from the arid remainder of Tuva by the Obruchev Mts, contained some forest species but lacked seven species found elsewhere in Tuva. In spite of Todzha’s position in the north-east, its fauna showed a more western character and included a population of Calopteryx splendens with a high proportion of androchromic females and males with wings coloured to the tips. Todzha was also inhabited by Enallagma c. cyathigerum with a variably melanized abdomen, while in the Central Tuvinian and Ubsu-Nur depressions, E. c. risi occurred. In Turan and the Upper Kaa-Khem basin, intergradation between both taxa took place. In Todzha, Somatochlora exuberata and S. metallica abocanica were sympatric without intermediate forms and with habitat segregation, thus proving their status as separate species. Todzha was also inhabited by Ophiogomphus obscurus while the rest of Tuva harboured O. spinicornis.

Keywords: Odonata, dragonfly, Russia, southern Central Siberia, Tyva Republic, Tuva, fauna

Issue section: Article