Critical species of Odonata in the Hawaiian Islands

Critical species of Odonata in the Hawaiian Islands 00

Dan A. Polhemusa

  1. Dept. of Entomology, MRC 105 , National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, USA

International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 7, Issue 2, Pages 133-138, 2004

Published: 1 July 2004

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Ten species of Hawaiian Odonata are considered to be currently at risk, all of them zygopterans belonging to the endemic genus Megalagrion. These species and their proposed status are as follows: M. jugorum, endemic to Maui and Lanai [CR, possibly EX]; M. leptodemas, endemic to Oahu [CR]; M. molokaiense, endemic to Molokai [CE, possibly EX]; M. nesiotes, endemic to Hawaii and Maui [CR]; M. nigrohamatum nigrolineatum, endemic to Oahu [VU]; M. oahuense, endemic to Oahu [VU]; M. oceanicum endemic to Oahu [CR]; M. pacificum, formerly widespread in the lowlands on all high islands [EN]; M. williamsoni, endemic to Kauai [EN]; M. xantbomelas, formerly widespread in the lowlands on all high islands [VU]. Two species held on previous IUCN lists, M. adytum and M. amaurodytum peles, have been shown by recent surveys to be more locally abundant at remote sites than was previously realized, and are proposed to be dropped from the current Red List, since they are not immediately at risk.

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