Critical species of Odonata in Australia

Critical species of Odonata in Australia 00

John H. Hawkinga, Günther Theischingerb

  1. Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre, Albury, Australia
  2. Environment Protection Authority, Lidcombe, Australia

International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 7, Issue 2, Pages 113-132, 2004

Published: 1 July 2004

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The Australian Odonata fauna is reviewed. The state of the current taxonomy and ecology, studies on biodiversity, studies on larvae and the all identification keys are reported. The conservation status of the Australian odonates is evaluated and the endangered species identified. In addition the endemic species, species with unusual biology and species, not threatened yet, but maybe becoming critical in the future are discussed and listed.

Issue section: Article