A new subspecies of Gomphus (Gomphurus) septima from the Deleware River of New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania (Odonata, Gomphidae)


Gomphus (Gomphurus) septima delawarensis is described from the Delaware River, NJ, PA, and NY (Type locality: Flatbrookville, NJ). The new subpecies differs from nominate G septima septima Westfall (new status) mainly by differences in the male cerci and eplproct, and in the female vulvar lamina and lateral occipltal horns. The larvae of the two subspecies are similar and differ widely from other Gomphurus by the rounded dorsal tubercles on abdominal segments 6-8, and by the highly shortened row of teeth on the lateral palp of the labium. Gomphus septima is most closely related to the vastus, group of Gomphurus.

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