Ecological correlates of odonate assemblages of a Mediterranean stream, Wadi Cherf, northeastern Algeria: implications for conservation
Ecological correlates of odonate assemblages of a Mediterranean stream, Wadi Cherf, northeastern Algeria: implications for conservation 00
Zineb Bouhalaa,b,
Chakri Khemissaa,b,
Joaquín Márquez-Rodríguezc,
Manuel Ferreras-Romeroc,
Farrah Samraouia,d
Boudjéma Samraouia,b ✉️
- Laboratoire de Conservation des Zones Humides, Université 8 Mai 1945 Guelma, Guelma, Algeria
- Départment of Biology, University of Annaba, Annaba, Algeria
- Department of Physical, Chemical and Natural Systems, University Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain
- Department of Ecology, Université 8 Mai 1945 Guelma, Guelma, Algeria
International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 22, Issue 3-4, Pages 181-197, 2019
Published: 2 October 2019 (Received: 17 August 2019, Accepted: 30 October 2019)
We investigated the odonates of Wadi Cherf, a tributary of Wadi Seybouse, and explored the main environmental factors that may be important drivers of the abundance and diversity of Odonata assemblages. PCA analyses demonstrated a significant altitudinal gradient associated with water flow, temperature, vegetation cover, substrate and adjacent land use. Notably, pollution was a dominant structuring factor and the most widespread species, Ischnura graellsii and the North African endemic Platycnemis subdilatata, were the most pollution-tolerant species. Similarly, co-inertia analysis indicated that environmental factors could account for 70% of the co-variation in shaping odonate assemblages. Equally important, threatened species were associated with less degraded but vulnerable habitats, most susceptible to anthropogenic impacts. There is thus a need to develop monitoring tools to assess the ecological integrity of North African rivers and implement a management plan that considers both connectivity and heterogeneity to ensure that Wadi Cherf, a sanctuary to three threatened species Calopteryx exul (EN), Coenagrion mercuriale (EN) and Gomphus lucasii (VU), continues to provide critical ecosystem functions.
Keywords: anthropogenic stressors, conservation, distribution, freshwater biodiversity, global change, river, Odonata, dragonfly
Issue section: Article
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