Two new species of Pyrrhargiolestes, with a key to the males (Odonata: Argiolestidae)
Two new species of Pyrrhargiolestes, with a key to the males (Odonata: Argiolestidae) 00
Vincent J. Kalkmana ✉️ , Stephen J. Richardsb,c, Dan A. Polhemusd
- Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, Leiden, Netherlands
- Herpetology Department , South Australian Museum, Adelaide, Australia
- Department of Terrestrial Vertebrates , Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin, Australia
- Department of Natural Sciences , Bishop Museum, Honolulu, USA
International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 16, Issue 1, Pages 53-65, 2013
Published: 1 March 213 (Received: 10 August 2012, Accepted: 8 November 2012)
Two new species belonging to the endemic New Guinea genus Pyrrhargiolestes are described from Papua New Guinea: P. lamington sp. nov. (holotype: Mount Lamington, Oro Province, dep. in RMNH) and P. yela sp. nov. (holotype: Rossel Island, Milne Bay Province, dep. in USNM). The presumed male of P. aulicus is described for the first time. New records and remarks are provided for P. angulatus, P. kula, P. sidonia and P. tenuispinus. A key to the males of all species of Pyrrhargiolestes, information on habitat and a map of the known distributions are given.
Keywords: Odonata, dragonfly, Zygoptera, Argiolestidae, Pyrrhargiolestes, taxonomy, New Guinea, Papua New Guinea
Issue section: Article