Description of the last stadium larva of Somatochlora borisi, with comparison to that of Somatochlora metallica meridionalis (Odonata: Corduliidae)

Description of the last stadium larva of Somatochlora borisi, with comparison to that of Somatochlora metallica meridionalis (Odonata: Corduliidae) 00

Günther Flecka, Daniel Grandb, Jean-Pierre Boudotc

  1. Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Département de Systématique & Évolution, Paris cedex 05, France
  2. Saint-Romain-au-Mont-d’Or, France
  3. LIMOS, UMR CNRS 7137, Université Henri Poincaré Nancy I, Faculté des Sciences, Vandceuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex, France

International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 43-52, 2007

Published: 1 April 2007 (Received: 10 October 2006, Accepted: 19 January 2007)

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The last instar larva of Somatochlora borisi is described and illustrated from a set of exuviae. It is compared to that of S. metallica meridionalis, which is morphologically close and syntopic. A key is provided which allows the determination of the exuviae of all West Palaearctic Cordulia and Somatochlora spp.

Keywords: Odonata, dragonfly, Anisoptera, Corduliidae, Somatochlora borisi, S. metallica meridionalis, larva, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey

Issue section: Article