The Gambia: Additions to the list of Odonata, and further distribution records

The Gambia: Additions to the list of Odonata, and further distribution records 00

Evelyn D. V. Prendergasta

  1. Dorset, UK

International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 1, Issue 2, Pages 165-174, 1998

Published: 1 December 1998 (Received: 15 July 1998, Accepted: 16 September 1998)

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As a result of the British Dragonfly Society visit to The Gambia in Oct/Nov 1996, 13 species of Odonata were added to the 62 previously recorded, and distribution records of species increased by over 60%.

Keywords: Odonata, Africa, distribution, species richness

Issue section: Article