The evolution and frequency of female color morphs in Holarctic Odonata: why are male-like females typically the minority?

We compiled data on the occurrence and frequency of distinct female variants among Holarctic Odonata and interpreted the data in light of harassment-based hypotheses. The major source of male confusion for male mimicry hypotheses is predicted to be signal similarity between andromorphs and male distractors; for the learned mate recognition hypothesis (LMR), it is predicted…

A preliminary study on female-limited colour polymorphism in Lestes sponsa

Female-limited colour polymorphisms are widespread in Odonata, usually showing an androchrome and one or more gynochromes. Androchromes have been hypothesized to function as male mimics with a consequent decrease of male harassment, although males may also learn to recognize the different female colour morphs. In the Eurasian damselfly Lestes sponsa, the occurrence of two female…

Are community patterns in flight height driven by antagonistic interactions?

Large libellulid dragonflies often fly higher than smaller libellulids. We hypothesized that this size-related pattern in flight height might be caused by aggressive displacement. We tested this hypothesis by using a 30 m “dragonfly zip-line” to reel dead dragonfly decoys of four species of different sizes (Erythemis simplicicollis, Libellula incesta, Pachydiplax longipennis, and Perithemis tenera) along…