The life cycle of Orthemis ferruginea (Fabricius, 1775) (Odonata: Libellulidae)

The complete life cycle of O. ferruginea is described for the first time, represent the first complete life cycle described for an odonate in Mexico. The 17 larval instars obtained are described and illustrated in detail, from prolarva through F-0. Two egg batches of different females were obtained in the field and were subsequently reared in the laboratory.

Egg hatching phenology and success of Lestes macrostigma in two temporary brackish ponds

Although a full life cycle approach is optimally needed to make conservation decisions, the egg stage is often neglected for insect species of special conservation interest. Water management and related abiotic factors are relevant factors to consider in aquatic species. Lestes macrostigma is a threatened damselfly restricted to temporary brackish waters. Here we provide detailed…

The Odonata of Numidia, Northeaster Algeria Part II Seasonal ecology

This paper, a companion to Part I which treated status and distribution of Numidian Odonata, summarizes current knowledge of their seasonal ecology and identifies areas where promising research avenues exist. Annual patterns of adult occurrence and reproductive activity are used to infer life cycles, with particular reference to strategies that enable species to bridge the…

Effect of forest fires on a Mediterranean Odonata assemblage

Large-scale forest fires have shaped the Mediterranean landscape for millennia, causing a recurrent disturbance that constitutes a serious environmental issue. Following a devastating forest fire, changes in the Odonata larvae assemblage of a headwater stream were analysed during six consecutive years.

Geographical variation in egg diapause in Sympetrum frequens

The effects of photoperiod and temperature on the termination of egg diapause were examined in Sympetrum frequens. Eggs were obtained from adult females collected from three locations in Japan and incubated under short- or long-day photoperiods at a constant temperature of 25, 20, or 15°C. Egg diapause was eventually terminated in all treatments. Because differences…