Oviposition site preference and egg parasitism in Sympecma paedisca (Odonata: Lestidae)

Oviposition of Sympecma paedisca was observed in eastern Kazakstan. The main oviposition substrates were living Phragmites leaves. In comparison with European and Japanese populations we propose geographic variation in the proportional use of horizontal versus vertical oviposition substrates. Ovipositing females seemed to avoid the inner parts of Phragmites stands and there was a preference for…

Reproductive behavior of two Argia spp. (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) at an Arizona stream

Here we provide a first report on the reproductive behavior of Argia sabino Garrison and Argia pima Garrison from observations at Sabino Creek, Arizona. Both species reproduce in autumn (September-October) following late summer rainstorms. Tandem pairs of A. sabino submerge to oviposit on rock substrates. The oviposition substrate is abundant and widespread. Male A. sabino…

Reported ovo-viviparity in Heliocypha perforata (Odonata: Chlorocyphidae) – reassessment of the evidence, based partly on examination of the female reproductive system and mature eggs

Heliocypha perforata (sensu lato) is a common stream-dwelling damselfly widespread in mainland tropical Asia. Recently a report has been published suggesting possible ovo-viviparity in this species, based on the interpretation of evidence from a short video sequence. This video is re-evaluated. The internal and external anatomy of the H. perforata female reproductive system, including mature…

Reproductive behaviour of Neurobasis kaupi (Odonata: Calopterygidae)

The reproductive behaviour of Neurobasis kaupi was studied for the first time in Central and South Sulawesi. The species was recorded in a wide variety of clear and fast flowing creeks, streams and rivers, mostly in forested areas. The males were territorial and defended potential oviposition sites, a limited resource. Territory owners demonstrated their presence…

Slow-motion analysis of female refusal behaviour in dragonflies

By means of slow-motion film analysis we found new female refusal behaviour patterns against male harassment in a variety of Odonata species. Often, females could escape simply by flying faster than males. Due to the morphological preconditions, there were differences in the two suborders. In Anisoptera, several behavioural specialities were analysed: (a) females of Aeshna…