Guide to the Odonata of central Ñeembucú, Paraguay: indicator species of wetland habitats

The department of Ñeembucú, in south-western Paraguay, is home to the virtually unexplored Ñeembucú Wetlands, the second largest wetland system in the country, representing a major gap in biodiversity knowledge. As organisms ubiquitous with wetlands, the Odonata, or dragonflies (Anisoptera) and damselflies (Zygoptera), have the potential to be effective indicators of wetland habitats in the…

Five new species of Orthemis from South America (Odonata: Libellulidae)

Five new species of the levis-group of Orthemis, O. cinnamomea (holotype ♂ in USNM: Peru, Madre de Dios Department, Explorer’s Inn on Río Tambopata, 12°50′S, 69°17′W, 300 m, 23 vii 2002, leg. D. Paulson & N. Smith), O. coracina (holotype ♂ in USNM: Ecuador, Sucumbios Province, Limoncocha, 00°24′S, 76°36′W, 300 m, 23 vii 1977, leg.