Guide to the Odonata of central Ñeembucú, Paraguay: indicator species of wetland habitats

The department of Ñeembucú, in south-western Paraguay, is home to the virtually unexplored Ñeembucú Wetlands, the second largest wetland system in the country, representing a major gap in biodiversity knowledge. As organisms ubiquitous with wetlands, the Odonata, or dragonflies (Anisoptera) and damselflies (Zygoptera), have the potential to be effective indicators of wetland habitats in the…

A review of the reproductive habitat preferences and conservation challenges of a rare, transient, and ecologically restricted darner dragonfly: Rhionaeschna mutata

Rhionaeschna mutata is a rare North American dragonfly that is considered a species of concern or threatened throughout its range. It is most widely distributed in the eastern USA, but recent adult records indicate that its range extends further north and west than previously known. Effective conservation planning for rare species requires understanding their habitat…

The influence of small hydroelectric power plants on the richness and composition of Odonata species in the Brazilian Savanna

Regardless of the economic and social development that damming processes related to hydroelectric power plants bring to a region, they represent a wide range of disturbances to the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of rivers. We evaluated the effects of dams on Odonata communities from the southeastern region of Goiás, Brazil. Thirteen streams connected to…

Habitat segregation of sympatric Mnais damselflies (Odonata: Calopterygidae): microhabitat insolation preferences and competition for territorial space

Distribution and abundance of sympatric Mnais costalis and M. pruinosa damselflies were studied in a low mountain stream in Shiga, Japan, from 2008 through 2012. The reproductive seasons of the two species overlapped almost entirely: both species emerged in early May and disappeared in late June each year. Males of both species hold territories within…