Are community patterns in flight height driven by antagonistic interactions?

Large libellulid dragonflies often fly higher than smaller libellulids. We hypothesized that this size-related pattern in flight height might be caused by aggressive displacement. We tested this hypothesis by using a 30 m “dragonfly zip-line” to reel dead dragonfly decoys of four species of different sizes (Erythemis simplicicollis, Libellula incesta, Pachydiplax longipennis, and Perithemis tenera) along…

The effects of wind speed, competition, and body size on perch height selection in a guild of Libellulidae species (Odonata)

For eleven species of sympatric libellulids, male mean mass was positively correlated with wing aspect ratio, wing loading, and mean perch height. We tested the hypotheses that perch height selection was governed by interspecific competition or biomechanical responses to increased wind speed at higher perches. Although larger odonates might prefer higher perches to offset their…