Out of Australia: the Argiolestidae reveal the Melanesian Arc System and East Papua Composite Terrane as possible ancient dispersal routes to the Indo-Australian Archipelago (Odonata: Argiolestidae)

Information on the origin of distribution patterns shown by freshwater invertebrates in the Indo-Australian Archipelago is poor. Here we present a molecular based hypothesis of the phylogenetic relationships of Argiolestidae, a family of damselflies found throughout the tropical parts of the Eastern Hemisphere. We use this to address the following questions: (1) did Argiolestidae colonize…

Austroaeschna ingrid sp. nov. from Victoria, Australia (Odonata: Telephlebiidae)

Austroaeschna ingrid, a new telephlebiid from the Grampians in Victoria, Australia, is described (holotype: McKenzie Falls, 21-23 January 2008, to be deposited in Museum of Victoria, Melbourne). This species is most similar to A. Christine, A. multipunctata and A. obscura but may be distinguished by the length and slenderness of the male anal appendages, particularly…

Critical species of Odonata in Australia

The Australian Odonata fauna is reviewed. The state of the current taxonomy and ecology, studies on biodiversity, studies on larvae and the all identification keys are reported. The conservation status of the Australian odonates is evaluated and the endangered species identified. In addition the endemic species, species with unusual biology and species, not threatened yet,…

Underwater and epilithic oviposition by Australian Aeshnidae (Odonata)

In this article we report underwater oviposition and epilithic oviposition in Anisoptera. We observed Notoaeschna sagittata totally submerged ovipositing on bare rock in the fast current of a rapid. Dendroaeschna conspersa oviposited also underwater, but into wood submerged in very clear water.

History of dragonfly flight

From their earliest appearance in the fossil record, dragonflies have clearly taken a different approach to flight than other insect groups. Even the superficially similar Neuroptera do not fly like dragonflies. Flight specialisation has enabled dragonflies to occupy a range of niches, as specialised predators of flying insects, for around 300 My.

Dragonfly flight: a Symposium from the 2017 International Congress of Odonatology held at Clare College, Cambridge

Dragonfly flight: a Symposium from the 2017 International Congress of Odonatology held at Clare College, Cambridge Richard Rowea Research School of Biology, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 23, Issue 1, Pages 1-4, 2020https://doi.org/10.1080/13887890.2019.1681812Published: 2 January 220 Full text PDF Copyright information Issue section: Introduction

Flight initiation distance in dragonflies is species-specific, positively related to starting distance and sometimes body length

Predator escape behaviour is a critical component of dragonfly life history. Flight initiation distance is the distance at which escape commences, and is well studied in vertebrates, barely studied in invertebrates, and entirely unstudied in dragonflies. Here we test four principles regarding flight initiation distance as derived from studies of vertebrates to examine if they…